- 研究成果
- 2024-08-17研究院编制完成常熟市重点行业企业挥发性有机物治理设施日常维护操作手册
- 2024-08-17Spread of plasmids carrying antibiotic resistance genes in soil-lettuce-snail food chain,丁婷婷(2…
- 2024-08-17COP-compost:a software to study the degradation of organic pollutants in composts,G. Lashermes
- 2024-08-17Stock status, urban public perception, and health risk assessment of obsolete pesticide in Norther…
- 2024-08-17Fecal antibiotic resistance genes were transferred through the distribution of soil-lettuce-snail …
- 2024-08-17Spread of plasmids carrying antibiotic resistance genes in soil-lettuce-snail food chain, 季妍(20…
- 2024-06-11Journal of Ino and O Polymers and Materials:季宇峰(2022级)
- 2024-04-17Major Revisions requested WATE-D-23-02539周锐(2020级)
- 2024-04-11Your Submission WATE-D-23-02955R1周祝友(2021级)
- 2024-02-07New Journal of Chemistry-Decision on Manuscrip刘梦荷(2021级)
- 2023-10-18Journal of Ino and O Polymersand Materials周祝友(2021级)
- 2022-08-17Effects of composting pig manure at different mature stages on ARGs in different types of soil-veg…
- 2021-08-1211、Application of Pig Manure Compost with Different Biochar Modifies the Antibiotic Resistome and…
- 2019-08-17苏州市人为源挥发性有机物排放清单及特征,华倩雯(2017级)
- 2018-05-17铜和强力霉素复合污染对土壤微生物与酶活性的影响,陈欣瑶(2016级)
- 2017-12-17芘镉单一及复合污染胁迫下土壤生态功能稳定性的影响机制,陈欣瑶(2016级)